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Marie Stopes and their despicable abortion practice. When will the media report the truth?

A new series of reports has been released which is so shocking that the British mainstream media– which usually manages to ignore the seedier aspects of the abortion industry – has been forced to cover it.  It was revealed that Marie Stopes International (the UK’s largest abortion provider) is guilty of a plethora of ethical, medical, and even basic sanitary infractions. The abortion giant performs roughly 70,000 abortions each year in the UK, and Irish women are referred to Marie Stopes UK by their referral agency in Dublin. However, the Irish media have almost completely ignored  these shocking findings, perhaps because they seem to care less about woman than about protecting the abortion industry. Read on to see what was revealed.

This week, Britain’s Care Quality Commission (CQC) finally released a series of 12 reports following an exhaustive investigation which resulted in Marie Stopes to temporarily suspend abortion services involving general anesthetic in August amid safety concerns. The recently released reports uncovered a laundry list of horrific and disturbing violations.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation concerned a case wherein workers at one clinic performed an abortion on a woman with severe learning disabilities who did not understand what was being done to her.

The Daily Mail recounts, “She arrived alone at the clinic in Sandwell, West Midlands, and became distressed just before the procedure. Doctors went ahead anyway – despite not clearly explaining the procedure – and spoke to her ‘insensitively’.”

At one clinic in Norwich, inspectors discovered foetal tissue (i.e. the body parts of unborn babies) left in open waste bins (rather than being properly disposed of) which were not even emptied in between terminations.  Additionally staff were not trained in how to revive a deteriorating patient- which should be a huge concern in a clinic that purports to be a legitimate medical centre.

Additionally, the inspectors found that the Marie Stopes abortion clinics regularly failed to ensure that proper consent was given for the terminations.  At one clinic, the report revels that clinic workers were mass signing consent forms (up to 60 at a time)- making it clear that they were not familiar with the individual cases of each patient.

According to the Times, Marie Stopes “put women at risk with falsified safety checks and lax staff training.”

These reports are horrendous and horrifying and they should deeply disturb any person with even a shred of decency.  Marie Stopes International (and other abortion massive abortion businesses) try to put on the façade of respectability.  They claim to be legitimate and necessary providers of health services.  They claim to support and protect women.  However this series of reports shine the light on their deceptions.

Marie Stopes ruthlessly seeks to profit off the death of the unborn by taking advantage of women in crisis.  Currently 70 abortion clinics face closure due to these damning violations.  We can only hope that they will be held accountable for their many transgressions and that women and children will be protected from them in the future.



Nora Sullivan is a blogger and journalist

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